Saturday, October 5, 2013

Slide and github for Code Camp 13

Thank you for attending this afternoon session, hopefully you guys at least get some basic knowledge on Backbone and how each component interact with each others.

I hope we could have internet access today, so we all can get some hands on experience by going through the github code together. So please feel to checkout the code, follow the instruction and set it up in your local environment.   Feel free to poke around. 

I will update the slide later, you should get the slide on the code camp official website later as well.

There is a question about if there is a user preference concept for an application, and what the user preference will do is adding some filtering for a screen ( Let say stock quote view ).

There are plenty of ways to do that, but one of them I would see is
1) assume you have a user/ api
2) assume you have a stock-quote/ api

What usually is done should be in this sequence
1) You will fetch the user/ api first, because your other view or section has dependency on it
2) Grab what you need from the user api response, let's say your user has a preference of showing top 10 stock for each day
3) Now you can fetch the stock-quote/ api by passing some filter parameter that your user set earlier, for example,  /stock-quote/?display_top_transaction=10

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